[Cairn Warrior's Appetency of Invultuation:]
I am the one to seek the courtly witch -
She is the one to find me.
I am the one to yearn the dazzling bitch -
She is the one to bind me.
So I say, the spell has begun!
[Tea (Courtly Witch):]
"The darkness is starting and control is done..."
[Cairn Warrior:]
Stones of power inside this sphere
are stark stones of magick -
I am joining the mystic ring,
with this woman, as we implore.
We do implore.
I am aiding the mystic writ;
I am gifted knowledge from deep wells!
[Chorus - Cairn Warrior's First Myaltic Rite:]
Candle of fire, candle of might,
Create my desires here on this night -
This candles stream is suddenly flaming higher!
Bring to me my heart's desire,
My words of strength are suddenly hung,
So I proudly state this spell has begun!
[Cairn Warrior:]
Stones of power within ire
are strong stones of cabal.
I am joined int he magick round,
with this bitch, as we implore.
We shall explore.
With Paralda by my side,
I am granted sylphs and zephyrs!
[Cairn Warrior's Second Myaltic Rite:]
Show me the rings of your cosmic fire,
Make my pathway carved and clear.
Give me a code that's no will of mine,
To show me your presence is here!
[Repeat Cairn Warrior's Second Myaltic Rite]
[Chorus II - Cairn Warrior's Last Myaltic Rite:]
Courtly witch of the beast -
Courtly bitch of the daring arm,
I am your tyro, yet never alarmed!
A dash of thistle, and in my dreams -
Give me the silver-gilt key,
That will unlock the spell...
Courtly witch, assist me!
Top Absu songs
- Feis Mor Tir Na Nog
- Four Crossed Wands (Spell 181)
- Of Celtic Fire, We Are Born
- The Thrice Is Greatest To Ninnigal
- The Coming Of War
- Stone Of Destiny (...for Magh Slecht And Ard Righ)
- Akhera Goiti Akhera Beiti
- Vorago (Spell 182)
- She Cries The Quiet Lake
- Descent To Acheron
- A Magician's Lapis-lazuli
- Swords And Leather
- Fantasizing To The Third Of The Pagan Vision (Quoth The Sky, Nevermore Act Ii)
- Manann¡n
- The Cognate House Of Courtly Witches Lies West Of County Meath