Lost in my own little crowd
I can see my silver lining on the cloud
No one knows or no one cares
The pains that I feel and go through
I want to be free for just once
And let the people know that I care
But no one really listens they just pass
And pretend that you are as invisible as neutron gas
But fuck that I am not just another star in the sky
And humans are not just another person in my crowd
My crowd you hear that its mine
And no one elses so peel of the dead skin
And realize the world we are living in
Everyones fake no one is real
But please just for on I want to be heard
Thats why I am writing this for all of you
Its my serenade and my deaf toned song
To remember the past I never had
And how fast I changed no one knows
Because they dont know my story as well as me
Its mine and not yours so let the fuck go
Dont drag your feet on me you assholes
This is mine and mine only I choose to share
My story is about to start so you better listen
If you want to know I was never really proud
Of myself or what came out my mouth
But to say the most for everything
The one left in my veins is nothing
I am empty and not suprised that death wants me
I wait for the death clock to stop
My little midnight incident in the bathroom
Please dont you fucking cry just because I died
I deseved this I didnt need to be happy
Everyone else needed to be happy
I cant tell you enough but now comes the time...