Anima Damnata lyrics
Anima Damnata lyrics: 'Antichristian Nuclear Shitlust', 'Necrosadistic Masturbation Upon The Mary's Disemboweled Corpse', 'Prometheus Coprophagus', 'Deus Mortem', 'Onward To Dungeons Of Death'
Anima Damnata song lyrics
- Anima Damnata
- Antichristian Nuclear Shitlust
- Defile The Cross
- Demonic Dominion
- Deus Mortem
- Feast In The Blood
- Fecal Daemon
- Incipit
- Is It Worth Waiting For The Death Call?
- Necrosadistic Masturbation Upon The Mary's Disemboweled Corpse
- Onward To Dungeons Of Death
- Prometheus Coprophagus
- Rebirth In Sodomy, Rebirth In Suffering (The Symphony Of Sin)
- Sadistic Rape
- Satanation
- Shadow Of Despair
- The Gate Of Nanna
- To Jesus Christ And All His Servants
- Victimize Yourself