In my 8th grade social studies class…
as soon as I asked my teacher for a lav. pass…
He ordered us to return to our desks…
and said we’ve been attacked…
Remain in this classroom till its safe outside…
the terrorist are bombing the New York skyline…
Then the buses drove us home and I turn on the TV…
The news reporters said the Manhattan under anarchy…
I admit that I was scared, what the fuck was going on?…
Who is perpetrating such acts of onslaught?…
Soon that night CNN had Al Qaeda to hold accountable …
Shown pictures of Bin laden, causing a war to catapult …
The country was enraged, ready to be used as tools…
The propaganda sold as recruiters filled the schools…
And Afghanistan was rich in oil, nobody had suspected…
Bin Laden wasn’t found but they’ve surely had invested…
Halliburton had once again given a company birth…
Thousand of dead civilians is what this war is worth…
Still everyone wanted to return a bomb…
So, the bush administration pointed at Saddam…
They called in the troops to overthrow Baghdad…
Said there’s weapons of mass destruction a nuclear warhead…
The orders were given, and the Saddam’s statue came down…
What a Glorifying moment as the Iraqi’s paraded around…
They didn’t have a clue that now they were occupied…
And the burning oil fields increased their multi-billions enterprise…
Now thousands of soldiers are dying, we must stop the casualties…
Bring home the troops not coffins, abolish homeland security…
Now piracy is legal, their searching through my library files…
I’ve read Orwell’s 1984 and I believe it’s happening right now…
Top Armed Metropolis songs
- Let's Cross Our Fingers And Hope We Don't Get A Flat.
- Jersey's The Bulb That Burnt Out
- New Orleans' Occupied
- Pop, Please Shave Your Beard
- Fiesta De Los Gringos
- Brief Summary Of America's History
- Plant A Seed For Grandma's Ecologia
- Since They Took Office
- Maybe I'll Change Soon Or Not At All
- What We Convey
- Our Mutual Compromise Of Conscience
- Treephorts
- Goodnights In Your Pocket
- Fistful Driv-by, It's European
- Oh Sea Foam