Avatar – The Inner Alchemy lyrics
The Inner Alchemy
I go down these stairs the end of which I cannot see in the blue profoundness of these sea - like depths I run into nocturnal spiders.
The chill of the earth insidiously coils around me like a snake as if I were grabbed by rigor mortis.
I am allured into a labyrinth - the quest of the inner alchemy...
I burn a torch spreading terror among the subterranian creatures that flee the danger of a mercyless conqueror.
Like firm hands revealing womanly nakedness piece by piece the primitive light uncovers a huge ivory - like skeleton.
Enthrilled with fear, I the inside of this skull, its even, bone- like walls of- walls of tears, penitence, grief and lust...
Then cross the thorax, huge as the texture of an archreverberating with echoes, dull sounds of an ancient theatre.
I find myself afloat on a boat sailing to the inner alchemy...
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