Barbra Streisand – Is't It A Pity? lyrics
It's a funny thing.
I look at you.
I get a thrill
I never knew.
Isn't it a pity
We never met before?
Here we are at last.
It's like a dream.
The two of us
A perfect team.
Isn't it a pity
We never met before?
Imagine all the lonely years we've wasted.
Me with the neighbors.
You at silly labors.
What joys untasted.
My nights were sour,
Spent with Schopenhauer
Let's forget the past.
Let's both agree
That I'm for you
And you're for me.
And it's such a pity
We never, never met before.
Imagine all the years we've wasted.
Fishing for salmon
Losing at backgammon.
What joys untasted.
Me at the Prado,
You in Colorado.
Happiest of girls I'm sure to be
If only you would say to me
That it's such a pity
We never met before.
What an awful pity
We never, never met before.
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