Barbra Streisand – Sadie, Sadie lyrics
Act ii opens with the newly wed fanny and nick arriving at their home in long island.
Fanny's friends have prepared a surprise party for them. ziegfeld is there, hoping
Fanny will be in his new show; he's even hired her friend eddie as dance director.
Fanny's ziegfeld friends ask her what it's like be married and she replies:
I'm sadie, sadie, married lady,
Bow when I go by.
I'm a corporation now,
Not me, myself and i.
Oh how that marriage license works
On chambermaids and hotel clerks.
The honeymoon was such delight
That we got married that same night.
I'm sadie, sadie, married lady,
Still in bed at noon,
Racking my brain deciding
Between orange juice and prune.
Nick says nothing is too good for me,
And who am I not to agree?
I'm sadie, sadie, married lady, that's me!
She's sadie, sadie, married lady,
Meet a mortgagee,
The owner of an icebox
With a ten-year guarantee.
Oh, sit me in the softest seat,
Quick, a cushion for my feet.
Do for me, buy for me, lift me, carry me,
Finally got a guy to marry me!
I do my nails,
Read up on sales,
All day the records play.
Then he comes home, I tell him
Oy--what a day I had today!
I swear I'll do my wifely job,
Just sit at home--become a slob!
I'm sadie, sadie, married lady, that's me!
She's sadie, sadie, married lady,
Sadie, you did the trick.
It's nothing!
Not ev'ry girl can get herself
A guy who looks like nick.
Wait, to tell the truth, it hurt my pride--
The groom was prettier than the bride.
Sadie, sadie, married lady,
Husband, house, a mortgage, a baby,
Sadie, sadie, married lady,
That's who?
That's you.
That's me--married lady.
Say hello to ziegfeld's married lady--sadie!
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