Black Countess – The Mystery Of A Witching Forest lyrics
The Mystery Of A Witching Forest
Walking on the golden fallen leaves
In red blaze of the autumn sun
You clung to false threads of hope
In the kingdom of writhed trees
You disturbed the peace of a dead place
Where birds’ songs died down in dry trunks
You came to know the old mystery
The story of two guiltless girls
Tongues of flame licked their bodies
To the scorn of exultant crowd
They were faggoted on suspicion
Of witchcraft and lesbian sex
And then the forest sheltered their souls
Flying, whispering and luring
Damned haunt of deep melancholy
The cradle of illusive quiet
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You joined their tight embrace
Which begot a sharp blade
They offered it to you
And you accepted the gift of death
It easily got into the flesh
Shedding your warm red blood
On their perfect silk skin
Your fell to their feet on the smooth marble
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