Bob Kuban The In-Men – Old Lamplighter lyrics
(do do-do-do, do do-do do)
(do do-do-do, do)
Ole buttermilk sky (ole buttermilk sky)
I'm keepin' my eye peeled on you
What's the good word tonight?
Are you gonna be mellow tonight?
Ole buttermilk sky (ole buttermilk sky)
Can't you see my little doggie and me
We're as happy as a christmas tree
Headin' for the one I love (the one I love)
I'm gonna pop her the question, that question
Do you Darlin', do ya do?
It'll be easy, so easy
If I can only bank on you
Ole buttermilk sky (ole buttermilk sky)
I'm tellin' you why, now you know
Keep it in mind tonight
Keep brushin' those clouds from sight
Ole buttermilk sky (ole buttermilk sky)
Don't fail me when I'm needin' you most
Hang a moon above her hitching post
Hitch me to the one I love
(buttermilk sky)
------ orchestral interlude ------
(gonna pop her the question, the question
Darlin', do you do?
It'll be easy, so easy)
If I can only bank on you
Ole buttermilk sky (ole buttermilk sky)
I'm tellin' you why, now you know
Keep it in mind tonight
Keep brushin' those clouds from sight
Ole buttermilk sky (ole buttermilk sky)
Don't fail me when I'm needin' you most
Hang a moon above her hitching post
Hitch me to the one I love
(buttermilk sky)
You can if you try
Don't tell me no lie
(will you be mellow and bright tonight?
Oh, butermilk sky!)
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