Clandestine Blaze – Autumn Burial lyrics
Album: Blood And Cum
Darkness slowly replaces light
In a cold autumn night
In rainy streets victims wait
To be the chosen one
Bacl hood over the head
Painful hit sending consciousness
To deep dreams
Corpse stuffed inside black body bag
Deep inside the forest
In the middle of nowhere
Unconscious human body
Thrown inside old wooden coffin
Hole on the moist ground
Filled with the soil
When shovelfuls of dirt hit the coffin
Victim awakes
And reveals his misery
Victim in wooden Coffin
Six feet underground
Screaming in fear
Waiting for suffocation
Nightmarish visions
In the absolute darkness
Suffocating stench of moist soil
Painful spams on the body
Secret graveyard
Full of rotting corpses
New victim each year
In autumn burial
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