Connie Smith – Sun Shines Down On Me lyrics
Sometimes when I'm alone at night my heart and mind are tuned just right
From out of somewhere comes a light the sun shines down on me
Sometimes when walking no matter where I can feel his presence just in the air
And I say goodbye to my worry and care the sun shines down on me
The sun of God shines on me I can feel him he's real and warm
Oh what a comfort it is to be wrapped in the shelter of his arms
Sometimes when I'm sorta pleased well I haven't eat and I'm on my knees
Who's waiting there the prince of peace the sun shines down on me
Sometimes when I think this is the end who's there to start me on again
No another than my God and friend the sun shines down on me
The sun of God shines on me I can feel him he's real and warm
Oh what a comfort it is to be wrapped in the shelter of his arms
Sometimes when I think this is the end who's there to start me on again
No another than my God and friend the sun shines down on me
The sun shines down on me
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