D.A. Sebasstian – Sick And Tired lyrics

"Sick and tired," I said
She sat cross legged on the floor of my studio apartment
Complaining about some bullshit or this or that person
"I'm sick and tired, " I said, "I'm sick of all this 6th grade crap
Sick of me and you"

I wanna reach up and kiss the sun
I wanna lick all the stars one by one by one

She didn't hear a word I said
She just kept on and on and on
"Sick and tired," I said
Sick of all the stiffening middle aged white folks hiding
In their suburban hell
Watching reruns and CNN and complaining with their lives
Stuck in neutral
She had a family like that

I wanna reach up and kiss the sun
I wanna lick all the stars one by one by one

So then I say, "Let's go to the store"
We get up and as soon as she's out of the door
I slam it hard and lock it fast
She yells out in the hall
"Hey! Let me in!
This isn't funny! Let me in!"
Man I'm sick and tired
So sick and tired

Submitted by Guest