Dlux – Clover lyrics
All in all I can say that I see how it was
I'm trying to move on
Add a clover to one that should be four
Maybe I can get some luck
I wish I could say that I see that this is right
But I won't lie
I'm trying to get over you
Taking it one day at a time
My clover
I'm trying to get over
All of this
When I look into your eyes
I still see beautifully coloured lies
Oh, my luck hasn't run out yet
Girl, I've just started to live
Clover, you don't know me at all
Don't think that I took a big fall
It was merely like
Tripping on a sidewalk
Not falling off a cliff
Yeah, I miss you, so what?
Does it even matter?
Forget about me cause I don't want to remember you.
Submitted by Guest
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