Dlux – To My Former Valentine lyrics
Your words just tear it out. Tear it out.
C'mon just reach your hand in there
It's not so hard
Just fucking plunge it in and rip out my heart
Throw it in your care....
Care like a blender
You might as well spit in my face
So that way I can just call my tears your salvia
How could you do this to me?
Where do I go from here?
I don't know
All I know is you have arms to go to
How could you FUCKING do this to me?
I hate you
I love you
I'm ever so conflicted
I want to run but it's hard when all I do
Is trip and fall
I sent you a valentine
Heart and all
You sent it back crushed into a crumbled ball
God, I wish I was you
You're living so happy
Man, I wish I were dead
So dead that I'd have no feeling
I wish I was numb but instead I'm just dumb
For falling in love with you
It's so cold out
I can't take this anymore
If you want me to tear it out I will
Get out my knife and go for the kill
In the blood that surrounds this open wound
A wound called love
Fuck you Jess
That's all I have to say
Yeah you got it Jess
Now I gotta clean up this mess....
A mess called my HEART.
Top Dlux songs
- I've Got Cheese In My Pants
- Dandelions (Ugly Weed Or Beautiful Flower?)
- Cassette
- Last Summer
- For Crissie
- Eleven Seventeen (The Distance Song)
- There’s Nothing To Cry About
- Molly Ringwald
- Idle
- Sometimes 1995
- Lack Of Direction
- Little
- Ten Years Apart (Ten Years Closer)
- The End (Six Mile Finish Line)
- The Stop Sign (Blinks) The Bloodiest Red