Dolls Toy – Jeans Been lyrics
tell her what you done, she's done too, you bet
tell her who you've seen, she'll tell you she's met
tell her where ya been, she'll o'been, she'll o'been truly
she may fool you, but she ain't never gonna fool me
new york, morcambe bay, all talk, no way...
jeans been, jeans been
anywhere we've been, she's been, jeans been there
anything we've seen, she's seen, jeans seen yeah
got them, got that, been there, done that
tell her were ya goin', she'll be goin' too
tell her what ya want, she'll want one just like you
tell her what ya bought, and she'll be buyin' that
she's a psychopathic copycat
light water valley, bangor, torquay
jeans been, jeans been
bought them, bought that, went there, saw that
got them, got that, been there, done that
tried this, tried that, heard them, heard that
drank there, drank that, flew there, flew that
bought them, bought that, went there, saw that
yeahhhhhh jeans been
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