Dolls Toy – We're Mad lyrics
Insanity is everywhere,
it's a pity it's everywhere we go... we're mad John,
sirens are wailing everywhere,
wars underway...
Down comes a bomb from the sky to the ground,
the score's two one it's the enemy's round,
but we'll all be dead coz the whole world's gone...
We're Mad... ca ca ca crazee,
We're Mad... la la la looneys too,
We're Mad... ca ca ca crazee,
Ca ca ca crazee now... Lookout!
Ten thousand soldiers everywhere,
guns on their shoulders everywhere they go... they're mad John!
always a battle everywhere,
madness again Hey!
The wives back home looking after baby,
cry when they see that on the T.V.
their love's been shot, but tonight they made,
Down comes a bomb from the sky to the ground,
the score's two one it's the enemy's round,
but we'll all be dead coz the whole world's gone...
We are mad it's clear again, that it will always be the same,
it's a fact but really is a shame, that we're Mad Mad Mad Mad
Mad Mad Mad Mad.............
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