Epoch Of Unlight – Quicksilver To Ash lyrics
Quicksilver To Ash
Daubed in darkest night
A pulsing brush of Vermillion
Spanning earth to sky
In molten flames of biting rock
From the earth within
A show of force unleashed on all
Serpentine the river flows slowly through crag and cleft
Consuming fallen trees over the shallow ledge
Ever moving in a measured pace down argentite slopes
Adding to the sliding shale over centuries untold
Emblazed on a darker canvas, the dissolution of light
Scattered on the northern gale, swept away in a sea.... a sea of black (ash)
Ash to ash, and so the path is mottled in the cooling night
The slaggy trail of scoria atop the molten core
Smoke and fumes issued forth far below the cliff
Engulfing all from talus low to spire high
Entropic acceleration, a pyrogenic demise
Racing ever forward with granite seas aflame burning high... burning into
And where were those that lie in wait?
Based aside base in tribute to colossus
Where dwelled the foolish few...
Supplicant life spent in the pulsing shadow
Of enthralling force to abyssal to pursue
As in turn it now pursues
A cleansing conflagration for all who may descry
Purging the tenantry of light.
Serpentine the river flows slowly through crag and cleft
Consuming fallen trees over the shallow ledge
Ever moving in a measured pace down argentite slopes
Adding to the sliding shale over centuries untold
Emblazed on a darker canvas, the dissolution of light
Scattered on the northern gale, swept away in a sea, a sea of black ash
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