Exit 13 – Constant Persistence Of Annoyance lyrics
Album: ...Just A Few More Hits
Your words should be solidified and sold as manure!
Your life is like a crippling illness, and for it there=B9s no cure!
Your attitudes are like disco dancing - silly and outdated!
Your ego is like a helium balloon that=B9s incredibly overinflated!
Sometimes I ponder your existence, and hope for the day that you do =
something right!
You commit the felony of staying alive! Emitting stupidity is your =
Your brain is on the same level as a small bucket of dirt!
Your intelligence is like a blow to the scrotum - it fucking hurts!!
The open-mindedness you claim to possess is totally nonexistent!
But the way you succeed in annoying the world is constant and =
Submitted by Guest
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