Feeling Left Out – Would You Like Something To Drink ? lyrics
Vanilla scented sky
the candlelight can only show so much
we can let our hands see what our eyes can't
You breathe softly
And move in slow motion
We keep a firm grip on this moment
Cuz it will never last as long
as we want it to
So let's make the best of a great situation
I think I'll start at your ears
Work my way down to your neck
Roll over your collarbone
End up at your chest
Hipbones are calling my name
Only I can hear their plea
Serve as handles for the night
Skin like silk becomes slippery
Let's make the best of a great situation
Like every good story here must be an end
It's the only way we can relive this again
So let it go and wave goodbye
Happiness is a handful of days away
It's easier to count the days than hours We learned that the hard way
The number is lesser in value
And easier to swallow
<font size=1>Thanks to <b>Rick vanravenhorst (van@ripnet.com)</b> for these lyrics</font>
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- Even The Flux Capacitor Can't Save Us Now
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- Goodnite
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