Start by kissing my ass
I'll start by rubbing your balls
We'll have a jammy time together
one and all
What will we do later on
when the butter runs out?
You'll probably scream and shout
Here comes the watermelon seed up my snoot snout
& that's your asshole, your snoot snout
I'll put it through your eye socket young man
I'm the first man you've had
Don't tell me about loving women
I don't want to know about it
This is our world, men, make sure of it
We'll do with each other what we want, so
Valvoline and Vaseline and all the things inbetween
Oh, don't scrub yourself up
I like you unclean
Here comes Jimmy Jam Joe
& there goes Sally Marie
These are the finest queen boys I've ever seen
I even prefer them to my regular brand of sheep
Sally Jim John and Jimmy Joe Blow
There they go
Who will finish first?
No one knows, no one knows
Top Frogs songs
- Grandma In The Corner With A Penis In Her Hand
- I Don't Care If U Disrespect Me (Just So You Love Me)
- Stand Up For Your Rights
- I've Got Drugs Out Of The Mist
- Lifeguard Of Love
- Hot Cock Annie
- God Is Gay
- I Love You
- Baby Greaser George
- These Are The Finest Queen Boys I've Ever Seen
- Children Run Away (The Man With The Candy)
- Children Run Away
- I'm Sad The Goat Just Died Today
- Banjo Bonnie
- Candyland Joe