Ghost Space – Idiot lyrics
One morn, one, one, there was one morning I was feeling sad and I walked into the breakfast nook and my mom said, "Brak, dont you come in here with that face."
And I said,"Well mom, what do you want me to do, get a new face?"
And she said,"No I want you to EAT YOUR WAFFLES!"
And my mom was usually pretty good to me and so um, one... day she bought me a brand-new shoe and she said,"Brak, if your a good boy I'll buy you the other shoe!"
So, you know, maybe someday I'll have a pair of new shoes. So a least I got that going for me.
(space ghost) "We-e-e-ell uh Brak that was very-"
(Zorak) "Uh... idiotic?"
(Brak) "Actually, according to the Classical Greek Definition an idiot isn't someone whos stupid, its someone who just sits around and does nothing!"
(Zorak) "Then Space Ghost is, by definition, an IDIOT!"
(Space Ghost) "Yeah, well what if I just don't happen to accept the Classical Greek Definition? Then maybe I'm not such and idiot after all! HAHAHA! So the-ere!
(Zorak voice-over) "There's got to be a way out of here."
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