Good Clean Fun – My Best Friends lyrics
Album: Positively Positive 1998-2002
I love Ani and Amy and Emily
I hope every lesbian learns to play
But when it comes to special rights like family
I think marriage goes a bit too far
We're pushing and pushing
But never forget
True equality, it hasn't happened yet
But don't point your finger at me
Take a look at my friends and you'll see
Stereotypes aren't for me
But I never said life was fair
Diversity makes us all free
And somebody needs to cut hair
Look, I am a liberal guy
I wear a ribbon, no one deserves to die
You can tell I don't support the status quo
Because Ellen is my favorite show
My middle name is equal rights
I'll talk the talk while you fight the fight
I say I'm down but that's where it ends
But I'm okay just look at my best friends
Submitted by Guest
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