Good Clean Fun – Shopping For A Crew lyrics
Album: Positively Positive 1998-2002
You've always got your eye out for a place that you can hang
You're always on the lookout for a group to call a gang
Because the world is such a better place when people have your back
A crew can really make up for the things in life you lack
To face the world alone, you cannot bear it
If the varsity jacket fits, then I say wear it
Because if you hear the call, then you're better of at the mall
Shopping for your wolfpack
It's like they say: Now a baby got back
Since you were young you always wished you had a cool nickname
Just like those guys in Project X you're longing for the same
You know when you have picked your crew your friends will help you out
What better way to find out just what "cool" is all about?
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