Haemorrhage – Fermented Post-mortem Disgorgement lyrics
Album: Emetic Cult
Coagulated gore of cadaveric festers
Stagnated for days in your putrid intestines
Fermenting juices of hepatic secretion
Soured bile foam hastens ulceration
Decomposing visceral wrap
Suppuration flows from each scab
Gangrened innards, rotten and grey
Fungus grows upon decay
Organic decadence by internal necrosis
Corporal purulence foments microbiosis
Abdominal cavity swollen by fumes
Oesophagus numb, choked by grumes
Liquidized vomit of rot
Disgorging black digestive clot
Corrosive stomach contents
Necro-emesis takes place [REPEAT]
The carcass spew, on the mortuary slab
This posthumous legacy, in the ultimate spasm
Submitted by Guest
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