buy, sell, trade, consume
we got everything now
but what's the use
what's the use?
only new hoods won't keep this scene alive
unity '99
never selling out the scene
what's the point
why you're here?
revolution looks nice on a patch
can there be only one scene
with so different goals?...
support the scene with your own ideas
support the fact that we're all different
where do you believe in?
why the fuck do you even care?
your trust is all we got
your trust is all we need
our trust is all we need...
Top Hero Dishonest songs
- I've Got A Reason To Live
- Paskahalvaus Liukuhihnalla
- Stalin Vs. Hank Hardy
- Sometimes I'm Just One Big Cock
- Bring Your Own Fucking Toilet Paper
- Proud To Be Blue-eyed
- Fuck All Trends
- If The Price Is Right
- Ambition To Smile (Will Never Be Civilized)
- If It's Not Just Laziness...
- Jotain Puuttuu
- True Beauty
- One Minute Silence For The Memory Of Captain Jack
- Crusade For Power
- Exploited