try to live in fear
with the steps that follow
with the shouts, the glances
feelings too long supressed
try to live here
where everything you see
is a reflection of what you should be like
from man you're bred within
vile object of lust
for men you're shedding skin
time has scarred us
with sexuality
made woman a whore
whore of her own body
try to live in a world
feel the twisted need of men
a doll for their lust
in silence
silence you must...
a casualty of past centuries
does it run too deep?
how much more
before you wither away
before we wither away?
Top Hero Dishonest songs
- I've Got A Reason To Live
- Paskahalvaus Liukuhihnalla
- Stalin Vs. Hank Hardy
- Sometimes I'm Just One Big Cock
- Bring Your Own Fucking Toilet Paper
- Proud To Be Blue-eyed
- Fuck All Trends
- If The Price Is Right
- Ambition To Smile (Will Never Be Civilized)
- If It's Not Just Laziness...
- Jotain Puuttuu
- True Beauty
- One Minute Silence For The Memory Of Captain Jack
- Crusade For Power
- Exploited