John Wesley Harding – And Let Our Bodies Part lyrics
1 AND let our bodies part,
To different climes repair!
Inseparably joined in heart
The friends of Jesus are!
Jesus, the corner-stone,
Did first our hearts unite,
And still he keeps our spirits one,
Who walk with him in white.
2 O let us still proceed
In Jesu's work below;
And, following our triumphant Head,
To farther conquests go!
The vineyard of their Lord
Before his labourers lies;
And lo! we see the vast reward
Which waits us in the skies.
3 O let our heart and mind
Continually ascend,
That haven of repose to find
Where all our labours end;
Where all our toils are o'er,
Our suffering and our pain!
Who meet on that eternal shore
Shall never part again.
4 O happy, happy place,
Where saints and angels meet!
There we shall see each other's face,
And all our brethren greet:
The church of the first-born,
We shall with them be blest,
And, crowned with endless joy, return
To our eternal rest.
5 With joy we shall behold,
In yonder blest abode,
The patriarchs and prophets old,
And all the saints of God.
Abraham and Isaac there,
And Jacob, shall receive
The followers of their faith and prayer,
Who now in bodies live.
6 We shall our time beneath
Live out in cheerful hope,
And fearless pass the vale of death,
And gain the mountain-top.
To gather home his own
God shall his angels send,
And bid our bliss, on earth begun,
In deathless triumph end.
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- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!