John Wesley Harding – Come, Desire Of Nations, Come! lyrics
1 COME, Desire of nations, come!
Hasten, Lord, the general doom!
Hear the Spirit and the bride;
Come, and take us to thy side.
2 Thou, who hast our place prepared,
Make us meet for our reward;
Then with all thy saints descend;
Then our earthly trials end.
3 Mindful of thy chosen race,
Shorten these vindictive days;
Who for full redemption groan,
Hear us now, and save thine own.
4 Now destroy the man of sin;
Now thine ancient flock bring in!
Filled with righteousness divine,
Claim a ransomed world for thine.
5 Plant thy heavenly kingdom here,
Glorious in thy saints appear;
Speak the sacred number sealed;
Speak the mystery revealed.
6 Take to thee thy royal power;
Reign, when sin shall be no more,
Reign, when death no more shall be;
Reign to all eternity.
Top John Wesley Harding songs
- Captain Of Israel's Host, And Guide
- How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds
- Great God Of Wonders! All Thy Ways
- Go Labour On; Spend, And Be Spent
- Give Me The Wings Of Faith To Rise
- Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above
- Abide With Me! Fast Falls The Eventide
- Father, I Know That All My Life
- All Things Are Possible To Him
- Rock Of Ages, Cleft For Me,
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
- Rejoice, The Lord Is King
- Long Have I Seemed To Serve Thee, Lord
- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!