John Wesley Harding – Glory To God, Whose Sovereign Grace lyrics
1 GLORY to God, whose sovereign grace
Hath animated senseless stones;
Called us to stand before his face,
And raised us into Abraham's sons!
2 The people that in darkness lay,
In sin and error's deadly shade,
Have seen a glorious gospel day,
In Jesu's lovely face displayed.
3 Thou only, Lord, the work hast done,
And bared thine arm in all our sight;
Hast made the reprobates thine own,
And claimed the outcasts as thy right.
4 Thy single arm, almighty Lord,
To us the great salvation brought,
Thy Word, thy all-creating Word,
That spake at first the world from nought.
5 For this the saints lift up their voice,
And ceaseless praise to thee is given;
For this the hosts above rejoice,
We raise the happiness of heaven.
6 For this, no longer sons of night,
To thee our thankful hearts we give;
To thee, who call'dst us into light,
To thee we die, to thee we live.
7 Suffice that for the season past
Hell's horrid language filled our tongues,
We all thy words behind us cast,
And lewdly sang the drunkard's songs.
8 But, O the power of grace divine!
In hymns we now our voices raise,
Loudly in strange hosannas join,
And blasphemies are turned to praise!
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- Rock Of Ages, Cleft For Me,
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
- Rejoice, The Lord Is King
- Long Have I Seemed To Serve Thee, Lord
- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!