John Wesley Harding – God, Our Hope And Strength Abiding lyrics
1 GOD, our Hope and Strength abiding,
Soothes our dread, exceeding nigh:
Fear we not the world subsiding,
Roots of mountains heaving high,
Darkly heaving
Where in ocean's heart they lie.
2 Let them roar, his awful surges, -
Let them boil - each dark-browed hill
Tremble, where the proud wave urges;
Here is yet one quiet rill;
Her calm waters,
Zion's joy, flow clear and still.
3 Joy of God's abode, the station
Where the Eternal fixed his tent: -
God is there, a strong salvation,
On her place she towers unbent.
God will aid her
Ere the stars of morn be spent.
4 Heathens rage, dominions tremble,
God spake out, earth melts away:
God is where our hosts assemble,
Jacob's God, our rock, and stay.
Come, behold him
O'er the wide earth wars allay.
5 Come, behold God's work of wonder,
Scaring, wasting earth below;
How he snapped the spear in sunder,
How he brake the warrior's bow.
Wild war chariots
Burn before him, quenched as tow.
6 "Silence - for the Almighty know me;
O'er the heathen throned am I,
Throned where earth must crouch below me." -
Lord of hosts, we know thee nigh:
God of Jacob
Thou art still our rock on high.
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- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
- Rejoice, The Lord Is King
- Long Have I Seemed To Serve Thee, Lord
- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!