Star gazing on my hammock
Trying to count each one
There goes one
Shooting fast
Where did it shoot from?
I turn and look into your eyes
Staring into myne
You say you wished for us to be together
For us to always be fine
I look back into your eyes
Searching for the truth
Tell you that wishes are nothing without
Promises and time
A gleam flickers in your eyes so blue
And you say that to me you’ll always be true.
Promises, promises
Now we’re laying side by side
On your bed like we did
5 months ago..the wrappers we tried to hide
Found by her your “ex”
In room 5709
Did you make that same promise to her?
To her face too did you lie?
Here’s the difference between me and her
In 4 months I’ll have a new name
Will I still be “your number one”
Or still a pawn in this game?
Oh baby I never ment to lie
Bullshit…….you didn’t have to taste the tears I cried
What hurt and suffering do I have to put you through
To realize those promises hurt me through
The fist second third layerings of my
Fifth sixth and seventh’s love
Straighten you up just a little more?
You seemed so much mature
And now I’m the whore?
Have fun with that tramp
My one and true love
The next time you’ll see your continuation
Will be when I’m up above
So kiss me this one last time
I’m starting to cry and feel less fine……..
Promises, promises
Now we’re laying side by side
On your bed like we did
5 months ago..the wrappers we tried to hide
Found by her your “ex”
In room 5709
Did you make that same promise to her?
To her face too did you lie?
Here’s the difference between me and her
In 4 months I’ll have a new name
Will I still be “your number one”
Or still a pawn in this game?
Room 5709
With the key
Those promises are all left behind
I burned down that hammock
Melted that key
But burnt that whole
In the relationship of you
And me.
Top Kiss Me Screaming songs
- Past The Blank Stare
- Wings Against The Wall
- Promises, Promises
- One Last Revenge
- Hit Me Today
- Wasting
- Call Me A Fool