Landau James Ef – Terrorize Your Little Brother lyrics
Andreo has a first name,
A-N-D-R-E-O . . .
Andreo has a second name,
N-I-K-O-L-A-O . . .
When people ask me for the longest name I ever knew,
I'll tell them what I know is true,
It's S-M-I-T-H-M-O-O-R-E-B-R-O . . .
"Pulverize the Color Barrier"?
Alan says that he loves
Everyone he may find;
But his love's just aesthetic;
It's all in his mind!
I see Melanie, so romantic and light;
Hakeem's so romantic and dark, if that be spoken;
It's a shame that he's Black and she was born White;
By Pittman their pair will be surely upbroken!
Ah, Pittman, what a principal,
An anachronistic shame;
We all know him and hate him,
They say the Nazis' hate is just the same.
They say my racism is bad,
But isn't anti-racism, too?
Face it, it's not because you're racist,
It's because you're you!
. . .R-I-T-A-A-U!
Top Landau James Ef songs
- Lets Set A Date
- The Biodiversity Song
- Oy Vey
- Lets Go Out Against Our Teacher
- I Love Just Everyone That I Find
- Duly Untaught
- The Antidepressant Song
- The Elements
- The Last Name Song
- Pulverize The Color Barrier
- America
- America (E Pluribus Unum Version)
- Did It Ever Occur To You
- Terrorize Your Little Brother
- Hold It On