laura outhwaite – your not the boss of me lyrics
so think cause your older you think you get
a say in what I can and cant do
well your wrong you don't get
a say in my life
your not the boss of me
stop telling me what to do
you know you talk behind my back I can still hear you
just cause your older dosent mean you can say what I can do
its my life its up to me and only me
just cause you think I don't try
dosent mean im not trying cause I am
ive been trying and trying but just really
hrad cause im not that stong but im still trying
and cause of what you say
im hurting you think who cares about me
why should I care about her
ill tell you why cause I never did anything to you
yet you still treat me like im nothing but im still human
I still care I still have feeling
stop acting like your the boss of me
cause your not maybe you don't care about me or what you do to me
but I do cause its my life not yours