MKhaey – In My Mind lyrics

Album: Right There For You

I've got five years to live,
But I should probably die now,
Why now.., coz right now
Am actually underneath a tyre how...,
I don't know, but five minutes ago,
I was about to meet my mom,
But something must've gone wrong.

(Verse 1:)
In my mind am like five years old,
Trapped in the body of a thirty five year old
Trapped in the mind of a five year old
Then zapped back
In the mind of a twenty one year old,
That's why am this twisted,
Try and turn me loose I can't risk it,
I'll actually eat your brains out I turned wicked,
Coz since that accident...I am waken,
I never had a near death experience
I guess I just missed it,
I actually died
And something else came back, I am speaking
But there's still a part of me in it,
That knows I need a lobotomy Immediate,
But I probably won't admit it
Why..., coz if I do it'll probably wanna send me
Back to hell,
So when I see you on the streets
I'll curse at you so bad you'll go to sleep
Worse than the sleeping beauty you'll be
Too afraid to wake up,
Doctors try to resuscitate you..,
They go to sleep themselves,
It's payback night of the living dead,
I snap your throat for the sake of it,
I like the sound of a man in pain,
Am a tad insane!,
But dare say it
to my face!!,
I'll slap you so fast my hand will look
Like more and more,
An extension of your face.

Submitted by Guest