One Tree Hill soundtrack – Always Love [nada Surf] lyrics
To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me
Always love? Hate will get you every time
Always love? Don't wait til the finish line
Slow demands come 'round
Squeeze the air and keep the rest out
It helps to write it down
Even when you then cross it out
But Always Love? Hate will get you every time
Always Love'Even when you wanna fight
Self-directed lives
I want to know what it'd be like to
Aim so high above
Any card that you've been dealt, you...
Always Love? Hate will get you every time
Always Love? Hate will get you?
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs.
You said?
Hey, you good ones.
Hey, you good ones.
To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me...
Always love'hate will get you every time
Always love'hate will get you?
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs
You said..
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Top One Tree Hill soundtrack songs
- Halo [haley James Scott]
- For Blue Skies [strays Don't Sleep]
- Feeling A Moment [feeder]
- Be Yourself [audioslave]
- Jealous Guy [gavin Degraw]
- Son's Gonna Rise [citizen Cope]
- Always Love [nada Surf]
- The Mixed Tape [jack's Mannequin]
- Shake It Up Baby (Twist And Shout) [the Isley Brot
- Please Please Please [shout Out Louds]
- Middle Of Nowhere [hot Hot Heat]
- I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea [fall Out Boy]
- Ain't That Peculiar [marvin Gaye]
- Dancing In The Street [martha Reeves, The Vandella]
- Uptight (Everything's Alright) [stevie Wonder]