There was nothing remotely romantic about it.
No hand-me-down sob-stories, either nurtured or genetic.
So what exactly did I consider so god-damned important
that I had to shelve each and every one of my convictions?
Secured. Mutually reassured... of our consistency.
But your defense rejects what (you claim) you believe.
Because what the fuck is so "sociable"
about animal confinement, torture, union-busting, sexism and...
isn't it strange how you don't call anymore?
Top Propaghandi songs
- Die Jugend Marschiert (America's Army)
- Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
- Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass
- The Cryptically-entitled Mutual Friend... Deep? No.
- Showdown
- Just Between Friends
- Stick The Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch
- The About-as-close-to-emo-as-we'll-ever-get Song
- War Is Peace
- I Want You To Want Me
- Remain
- Homophobes Are
- I Would Very Much Like To See What Happened In Oka In 1990 Happen Everywhere
- A People's History Of The World
- Anti-manifesto