Reggid – Sweet Fragrance (Feat. Caroline Wood) lyrics
Once again I'm falling to my knees
I can't close out these desperate pleas
'Cause all I'm thinking about is You
Knowing I can't go on like this;
I've got to start anew.
I'm sorry; I can't see why I did what I did.
I only know that what I've walked, what I've said
Never brought me peace; only brought me shame
And I know that I hurt You by the wreck that I became.
I craved for freedom in my past
But my 'freedom' just made me feel so trapped.
Then all I could do was watch what I'd become,
Looking at all the wrong I'd ever done.
The worst thing I ever did was walk away from You;
You're the only one who gave me freedom that was true
Your love provides a sweet fragrance around me
All this takes me back to where I am now,
Turning back to You; wondering ever how
I could live again; love again
Knowing that I have to live forgiven again.
I will follow You, I will serve for You
By Your grace, I will stay with You
You will lead me right by Your side
I know I won't go back to me old life again
I craved for freedom in my past
But my 'freedom' made me feel so trapped.
Then all I could do was watch what I'd become
Looking at all the wrong that I'd ever done.
The worst thing I ever did was walk away from You.
You're the only one that gave me freedome true
Your love provides a sweet fragrance around me
I am comforted by Your presence all around me
I want to feel Your fragrance
I want You in My life
I'll never resist it
Or leave You out of sight
Your love provides a sweet fragrance around me;
I am comforted by Your presence surrounding me.
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- Sweet Fragrance (Feat. Caroline Wood)
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- Jiao Zhang (Feat. Masako-kun)
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- The Gates Of Darkness
- Passageway (Feat. Thundercleese)
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- Nocturnal Creature (Feat. Omahdon)
- Darkest Night
- Runaway (Feat. Platinum Dragon17)
- Expressions Of Innocence (Feat. Caroline Wood)