Reisa L. Gerber – Rock And Roll (Empty Sha La La) lyrics
He wouldn't show his face at her door,
And she didn't think that he would come nomore-
Her life was nothing but a cry to him,
About all those city lights so dim
She needed his love to keep her from harm,
From no good devils that polluted her soul,
And this really wasn't nothing that she could control,
So she asked for his heart
And a part of rock and roll.
And she said, "If you ever change your mind,
You know I'll be around,
You know that I'm just dying to be found,
Rock and roll
Rock, rock, rock and roll,
Empty sha la la
Rock and roll
Rock, rock , rock and roll
Empty sha la la.
She lost the best band she ever had,
She lost her dream of doing the "Tango In Paris"
Holding his hand.
She lost her sweetness and her cutesy attitude,
"Shit" done out of desperation.
Oh, cast it to the wind
Oh, sha la la la la-
In the end, she got down on her knees
And cried,
"Forgive me, Holy Father, for I have sinned"
There aint no point in dancin' 'round the subject-
She said, "I can take it.
Hit me right between the eyes"
"Laid her money down without a sound"
Something women do without you-
But she never found eternal peace
She never quenched her thirst for cute guys
Not guys such as these-
And Liberation was a word , count, 1,2,3,4,5
All that "white light pourin' down from the
Wasn't nothing she did not outgrow since
Top Reisa L. Gerber songs
- You Make Me Feel Okay
- Rock And Roll (Empty Sha La La)
- Please Get Out Of My Life
- Susie (Your Love Keeps Me Warm)
- Don't Drive Me Crazy!!!
- Rock On With Me (Sweet Colors)
- Drafting Is A Form Of Slavery*********
- Clerical Skills (The Dirty Red Bandana)
- Spanish Hearts
- Let's Just See if This Could Be
- Que Nunca Sera Tan Amor
- Still I've Got To Make It (On My Own)
- No, Noone Will Touch You
- Now The Tables Have Turned
- My Baby Cubbins