Renderfly – Beyond Because... lyrics
Found the key to my cruel buzz. and drove
beyond because
Too far, I crashed the car
Light's were sinking in the tide, but
someone deep inside, said
"Fight! Come back alive but you,
Gotta find what you're looking for, only
one way how
Yes you gotta love me a whole lor more
than you do right now"
Once the spirit of a child, so innocent so
and free. Was there in me
Now the only thoughts at play turn summer
skies to grey,
and wash rainbows away, so I've,
Gotta find what I'm looking for, only one
way how
Yes I've gotta love me a whole lot more
than I do right now
Bring on the battle I'll shoot out the wings
March to the deadbeats defend. Angels
Gotta love me, yes I gotta love me
Submitted by Guest
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