Reveal – Contempt lyrics
from the moment i stepped in i
knew this was not my home there's
no place where i feel less safe
there's no place where i feel less at
home i believe in equality and har-
mony i believe we are all the same
you mention words beneath con-
tempt no appreciation i can't pre-
tend i don't hear you i can't pretend
i don't see what your doing there's
nothing superior about your con-
tempt your feelings are not real
there's a price you must pay you
make me feel ashamed that a man is
capable to subject to such degrada-
tion you owe them your existence
keep your hands to yourself keep
your fucking comment to yourself
reconsider end your peremtory turn
inward and treat them equal what i
can't stand your walk in innocence
the upgrade by your appearance