Richard M. Sherman – I Love To Laugh lyrics
I love to laugh
Loud and long and clear
I love to laugh
It's getting worse ev'ry year
The more I laugh
The more I fill with glee
And the more the glee
The more I'm a merrier me
It's embarrassing!
The more I'm a merrier me!
Some people laugh through their noses
Sounding something like this "Mmm..."
Some people laugh through their teeth goodness sake
Hissing and fizzing like snakes
Some laugh too fast
Some only blast - ha!
Others, they twitter like birds
Then there's the kind
What can't make up their mind
When things strike me as funny
I can't hide it inside
And squeak - as the squeakelers do
I've got to let go with a ho-ho-ho...
And a ha-ha-ha...too!
I love to laugh
Loud and long and clear
I love to laugh
So ev'rybody can hear
The more you laugh
The more you fill with glee
And the more the glee
The more I'm a merrier me!
Top Richard M. Sherman songs
- It's A Small World
- I Love To Laugh
- My Own Home (The Jungle Book Theme)
- The Bare Necessities
- Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song)
- That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song)
- Thats What Friends Are For
- I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song)
- Trust In Me
- Colonel Hathis March
- I Wanna Be Like You
- Trust In Me (The Python Song)
- My Own Home