Scared Weird Little Guys – Bloody Jeff lyrics
I lost my job and my wife did too - Bloody Jeff
I can't catch a tram - don't know what to do - Bloody Jeff
The ozone hole makes it hot as hell - Bloody Jeff
And a team from Perth won the AFL - Bloody Jeff
Jeff Kennott's responsible for everything that goes wrong
You might think we're making it up, but the list goes on and on
I stubbed my toe so hard I cried - Bloody Jeff
The Beatles split up and Elvis died - Bloody Jeff
I couldn't find a pen when I went to the bank - Bloody Jeff
The Hindenburg burned, the Titanic sank, -whose fault? - Bloody Jeff
Jeff Kennett's nasty man, he has been since his youth
He knows all the words to American Pie and we'll tell you the truth
The truth is: Jeff Kennett is the Boogie Man
He's The lockness monster
He's Darth Vader
He's the guy that crunches up all the chips at the bottom of teh chip packet
Apparently he's Bjorn From ABBA
He killed Laura Palmer
Jeff Kennott shot JR
He shot JFK
He shot Michael J Fox
- Hang on, Michael J Fox didn't get shot!
- YET!
Ladies and Gentlemen the worst thing of all is his steep visor
Jeff Kennett likes Billy Ray Cyrus, and he picks his nose
And he's responsible for this guys taste in clothes
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff
Bloody Jeff