Soundtracks (other tracks) soundtrack – Pokerap lyrics
Written By John Siegler John Loeffler
Lead Vocals: Johto
Background Vocals: Johto
Sunflora, Igglybuff, Piloswine, Slugma, Crobat, Politoed, Noctowl, Houndour,
Heracross, Natu, Tyrogue, Ariados, Lugia, Steelix, Phanpy , Ampharos
Sudowoodo, Corsola, Teddiursa, Sneasel, Forretress, Mantine, Pichu, Larvitar,
HootHoot, Miltank, Totodile, Gligar, Lanturn, Skarmory, Spinarak, Tyranitar
Chikorita, Dunsparce, Aipom, Pupitar, Porygon2, Cyndaquil, Elekid, Raikou,
Wobbuffet, Typhlosion, Granbull, Stantler, Espeon, Ledyba, Togepi
I turn to you, whenever I need you
You've got the power to protect us all
One thing is true
Your kind of magic's
At the tip of my fingers
Whenever I call
Qwilfish, Ho-oh, Azumarill, Croconaw, Snubbull, Ursaring, Yanma, Smoochum,
Slowking, Blissey, Scizor, Donphan, Houndoom, Octillery, Wooper, Mareep,
Hitmontop, Marill, Umbreon, Bayleaf
Sunkern, Ledian, Girafarig, Murkrow, Remoraid, Jumpluff, Quilava, Smeargle,
Swinub, Magcargo Furret, Bellossom, Flaaffy, Entei, Meganium, Magby
Xatu, Misdreavus, Togetic, Shuckle, Quagsire, Pineco, ChinChou, Feraligatr,
Hoppip, Kingdra, Unown, Cleffa, Suicune, Delibird, Sentret, Skiploom
Top Soundtracks (other tracks) soundtrack songs
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- Violent Femmes - Blister In The Sun
- Everything - Hooch
- Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
- The Lost Boys - Affection
- 8 Minutes To Sunrise
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- The Kinky Boyz Featuring Kia - Sexy Boy