Strongbad – Waggon Fulla' Pancakes lyrics
Fallin in love with da wagon fulla' pancakes.
Let's make this moment be the symbol of our lives,
Hop on your dad's computer and we'll sail to paradise.
Your a girl,
or maybe a wagon,
filled up with pancakes.
Door to door salesmen.
Ya' can't do it,
so give up now.
What 'ya gonna do when your doe runs out?
Ain't dat a drag?
The Champeenship.
Guts, guts and might.
Liftin wieghts and feelin' alright.
Goin down,
How ya gonna mess around,
Put your nose down,
Homestar:High ya,
High ya, (bump)
Coach Z: the pampcakes WIN!
End Credits
Party yah,
Party party party,
it's da weekend.
Party party party,
it's a wagon.
Party party party,
fulla' pancakes.
Party party party,
and we're partyin'.
Party party party,
it's da weekend.
Party party party,
and we're partyin'.
Party party party,
everybody's here that we like.
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