Sunset, motor humming lights in my mirror
Trying to be lost while behind me I'm found
Pumping, pumping, chest, my chest is thumping
Turn and swerve crash and burn
Thumping, thumping, chest, my chest is pumping
If only you would crash and burn
By stranger I'm seeked
Who's face can't be seen
Turning and swerving
Who's face can't be seen
Pumping, pumping, chest, my chest is thumping
Turn and swerve crash and burn
Thumping, thumping, chest, my chest is pumping
If only you would crash and burn
Sunset, motor humming lights in my mirror
Trying to be lost while behind me I'm found
Pumping, pumping, chest, my chest is thumping
Turn and swerve crash and burn
Thumping, thumping, chest, my chest is pumping
If only you would crash and burn
Find help, not a soul walks this dark road
Panic, fuck you, don't you follow me
Why'd I take this road?
Pumping, pumping, chest, my chest is thumping
Turn and swerve crash and burn
Thumping, thumping, chest, my chest is pumping
If only you would crash and burn
Trying my patience and fear turns to hate
Stab at the brakes send his crown through the windshield