Twin Obscenity – Dreams Of A Holocaust Night lyrics
So unreal, and so deceiving
Time goes by, one thousand years have passed
Take away this eerie feeling
We rejoice when all are swept away
Ancient rites denied, compromise our souls
Anger rise beyond control
Come with me, release the daemons
God cries, his empire dies
Blessed be the non deceiving
We bid farewell to this cold and lonely place
We march along towards the horizon
Beneath these cold and gloomy skies
We know the sun's no longer rising
But no one even cares or wonders why
So unreal, yet quite relieving
Time has come to die one thousand deaths
Take away these pains I'm feeling
We rejoice when all are swept away
Ancient rites denied, compromise our souls
Anger rise beyond control
Come with me, release the daemons
God cries, his empire dies
Blessed be the non deceiving
We bid farewell to this cold and lonely place
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