Yoko Ono – Death Of Samantha lyrics
People say I'm cool,
Ya?, I'm a cool, chick baby.
Ev'ry day I thank god
That I'm such a cool, chick baby.
When I'm on the phone, I thank god,
My voice sounds smooth and clear without a trace of tear.
When I'm at work, I thank god,
I still have that smile ma used to say lit her day.
But something inside me, something inside me died that day.
People say I'm cool,
Ya?, I'm a cool, chick baby.
Ev'ry day I thank god
That I'm such a cool, chick baby.
When I'm with people, I thank god,
I can talk hip when I'm crying inside.
When I'm with friends, I thank god,
I can lit a cigarette when I'm choking inside.
People say I'm cool,
Ya?, I'm a cool, chick baby.
Ev'ry day I thank god
That I'm such a cool, chick baby.
What do you do-oo? what can you do?
What do you do-oo? what can you do?
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