Chumbawamba – Because I'm A He lyrics
As soon as I'm born they made me feel big
That I was privileged without having to be rich
They had a place set aside for me to help to run this society
If I followed the paths laid down for me
I could join the club called Patriarchy
Because I'm a he, because I'm a he, because I'm a he
If I didn't get far 'cause the ladder was too long
I could be my own boss, with a workforce of one
No matter how low I go there'll always be lower
It's taken for granted that a white man holds power
And I am white, and I'm a man, I don't have to justify what I am
And now it's relatively easy for me to get taken seriously
Because I'm a he, because I'm a he, because I'm a he
'Cause I'm not black and I'm not Irish, I'm not a woman
I don't get too much stick just for being what I am
'Cause I am white and I'm a man, I don't have often to justify what I am
Now it's relatively easy for me to get taken seriously
Because I'm a he, because I'm a he, because I'm a he
Hassled--I've been hassled, but I don't get hassled on sight
I don't dread going out at night, I don't have to worry 'cause I'm alright
Singing about it doesn't exclude me but if I keep quiet then all people see
Is compulsory white male superiority complex that's forced on me
Because I'm a he, because I'm a he
It's no good feeling guilty, it's what I am
But it's up to me to do what I can, by not being what I'm supposed to be
By fighting white male supremacy
By fighting government policy
By fighting bosses of companyies
By fighting fascist democracy
But not forgetting to look at me, no, not forgetting to look at me
Not forgetting to look at me, because I'm a he
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