Chumbawamba lyrics
Chumbawamba lyrics: 'Farewell To The Crown', 'Just Desserts', 'The Abcs Of Anarchism', 'On The Day The Nazi Died', 'Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire'
Chumbawamba song lyrics
- 1. Good Afternoon And Welcome To White Hart Lane
- 100. Barry John
- 101. Running Order
- 12. How Dare They Call It Football?
- 13. Geoff Hurst's Goal
- 14. Studmarks On The Summits
- 15. Drugs
- 16. A Lament To The Best
- 17. On The Beach
- 19. City Man City
- 20. Zola Budd
- 21. Desmond Lynam's Sports Trivia
- 23. The Fun In Games
- 24. Games Were Fun
- 25. Spassky Fischer
- 26. Horses For Courses
- 27. That Golden Era
- 28. Karl Marx Never Made The Squad
- 3. We Want Beans Not Goals
- 30. Mountain Biking
- 31. Shin-paring
- 34. Mick Mcmanus' Haircut
- 35. Ever Heard The One About The Pacemaker?
- 36. A Regular Guy
- 37. Leather On Willow, Etc.
- 39. Bowls
- 4. Naming Names
- 40. Dad's Mascot
- 41. Amereicha
- 43. The Tennis Racket
- 45. Sporting Ties
- 47. Sweet F.a.
- 48. All's Well At Oakwell
- 49. Armchair Sport
- 5. Benefits Of The Game
- 50. Forgotten
- 51. Lost In Rome
- 52. Where Did The Chinaman Go?
- 53. For Those Of You Watching In Black And White
- 54. The Englishman Abroad
- 55. Ashes To Ashes
- 56. Changing Gears
- 57. In Praise Of Sumo
- 59. Graham Hill
- 6. The Bowler's Botha, The Batsman's Gooch
- 60. Isn't It Horrible?
- 61. Gobsmacked
- 62. Hopscotch
- 63. Tills Ring, Crowds Cheer!
- 64. The Rise And Fall And Rise Of Greavsie
- 65. Indoor League
- 66. Face Jumping
- 67. Sunday League Footy
- 68. Orienteering
- 69. Jos
- 7. Punch Drunk
- 70. Rebel Rebel
- 74. Awesome Wheels
- 75. Memories Of Shilts
- 76. Bob Beamon
- 77. Learning Karate
- 78. Yup And Under
- 79. Australian Rules Football
- 8. Walking The Penine Way
- 80. Michaelangelo
- 81. Desmond
- 82. Polo
- 83. Eddie Waring
- 85. Whilst Stocks Last
- 86. One-sided Game
- 87. Lester Piggot, Cell Block No. 9
- 88. Hurling And Imperialism
- 89. Mad Max
- 9. Seoul Music
- 90. P.e.
- 91. School Team
- 92. Eddie The Eagle
- 93. Groundhopping
- 94. Rip It Up
- 95. Tubby Barlow
- 96. The Incompatibility Of Sport And Cosmic Consciousness
- 97. It's A Man's Game
- 98. Shot
- A Fairy Tale (Real No-shit)
- Act With Mother
- Adversity
- After Shelley
- Ah Men
- All In Vain
- All Mixed Up
- All The King's Men
- Always Tell The Voter What The Voter Wants To Hear
- Amnesia
- Amnesia (Album Version)
- Amnesia (Done Lying Down Version)
- Amnesia (Jimmy Echo Version)
- Amnesia (On Flame With Rock And Roll Version)
- Amnesia (Philip's Milk Of Amnesia Mix)
- Amnesia (Random Access Memory Loss Mix)
- Amnesia (Single Mix)
- An Interlude-beginning To Take It Back
- Asleep
- Awake
- Babbernation
- Bad Dog
- Because I'm A He
- Bella Ciao
- Big Mouth Strikes Again
- British Colonialism And The Bbc
- Can't Think - Must Work
- Cartrouble
- Celebration, Florida
- Chartist Anthem
- Chase Pcs Flee Attack By Own Dog
- Coca Colanisation
- Colliers March
- Come On Baby (Let's Do The Revolution)
- Comic-tragic-magic
- Commercial Break
- Creepy Crawling
- Declaring Peace
- Disagreement
- Don't Pass Go
- Don't Try This At Home
- Drip Drip Drip (Country & Western Version)
- Drip, Drip, Drip
- Dumbing Down
- Dutiful Servants And Political Masters
- Farewell To The Crown
- Feel Like I'm Fixin To Die' Rag (Country Joe And The Fish, 1967)
- Fitzwilliam
- Flesh And Blood And Feelings
- Football Song
- Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire
- Harry Goldthorpe
- Hear No Bullshit (On Fire Mix)
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Hell
- Her Majesty
- Heres The Rest Of Your Life
- Hey Hey We're The Junkies
- Hey! You! Outside! Now!
- Home With Me
- Homeless Hotel
- Homophobia
- Homophobia (Sisters Mix)
- Homophobia Acapella (Live)
- House Plants
- How To Get Your Band On Television
- I Get Knocked Down
- I Never Gave Up
- I Never Gave Up (Rondo Mix)
- I Still Haven't Found What I Was Looking For
- I Want More
- I'm A Winner, Baby
- I'm Coming Out
- I'm In Trouble Again
- I'm Not Sorry I Was Having Fun
- I'm With Stupid
- Idris Strike Song
- If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me
- In 2 Deep Jam
- In The Thick Of It
- Insectkind
- Invasion
- Irish Joke
- Jack Horner
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jesus In Vegas
- Jingle Smells
- Just Desserts
- Just Look At Me Now
- Just Look At Me Now (Borstal Boy Mix)
- Just Us Mix
- Last Taxi Ride
- Laughing (Never Stopped Mix)
- Lay People
- Lest We Forget
- Let It Be
- Liberation
- Lie Lie Lie Lie
- Love Can Knock You Over
- Man Papers His Crack
- Mannequin
- Martini People
- Mary Mary (Stigmatic Mix)
- Mary, Mary
- More Whitewashing
- Mothful
- Mouthful Of Shit
- Mouthful Of Shit (Country & Western Version)
- Mr Heseltine Meets His Public
- Nadzeroon El Babo
- Never Do What You Are Told
- Never Let Go
- New York Mining Disaster 1941
- Not The Girl I Used To Be
- Nothing Knocks Me Over
- Nuclear Power? No Thanks!
- On Being Pushed
- On Ebay
- On Ilkley Moor Baht'at
- On The Day The Nazi Died
- One By One
- One By One (Acoustic Version)
- One Way Or The Other
- One Way System
- Outsider
- Oxymoron
- P.e.
- Pass It Along
- Pass It Along (Albumesque Mix)
- Pass It Along (Beats Working Mix)
- Pass It Along (Mp3 Mix)
- Pass It Along (Rock-o-rama Mix)
- Passenger List For Doomed Flight #1721
- Piggies In Revolution 9
- Poverty Knock
- R.t.z. & B.p... Why?
- Rappaport's Testament: I Never Gave Up
- Remembrance Day
- Rich Popstars Make Good Socialists
- Rubens Has Been Shot!
- Safety Pin Stuck In My Heart
- Salome (Let's Twist Again)
- Salt Fare, North Sea
- Scapegoat
- Seven Days
- Sewing Up Crap
- Shake Baby Shake
- She's Got All The Friends That Money Can Buy (Single Version)
- Shipbuilding (1983)
- Shock! Horror!
- Shoot
- Slag Aid
- Slap!
- Smalltown
- Smart Bomb
- Smash Clause 29!
- Somebody Else
- Song For Len Shakleton
- Song Of The Government Minister Who Enjoys His Work
- Song Of The Hardworking Community Registration Officer
- Song Of The Mother In Debt
- Song Of The Times
- Stagnation
- Stitch That (Country & Western Version)
- Sugar Daddy
- Tearing Up Zoo
- That's How Grateful We Are
- The Abcs Of Anarchism
- The Ballad Of Peoplekind
- The Best Is Yet To Come (Acoustic Version)
- The Best Is Yet To Come (Bee Hold End Version)
- The Big Issue
- The Big Issue (Acoustic Version)
- The Birmingham Six
- The Candidates Find Common Ground
- The Cutty Wren
- The Day The Nazi Died (1993 Mix)
- The Diggers Song
- The Good Ship Lifestyle
- The Health And Happiness Show
- The Morning After
- The Morning After (The Night Before)
- The Standing Still
- The Triumph Of General Ludd
- The Wasteland
- This Dress Kills
- This Girl
- This Year's Thing
- Thorn-emi Lighting
- Three Years Later
- Tiananmen Square
- Timebomb
- Timebomb (Jimmy Echo Vocal)
- Todays Sermon
- Tony Blair
- Top Of The World
- Tubthumping
- Tubthumping (Escape From New York Mix)
- Tubthumping (Single Version)
- Tubthumping(country & Western Version)