I, Sleepwalker – Final Action lyrics
20 years living alone
20 years living in pain
20 years believing in evil
20 years believing in devils
20 years believing in witches
20 years searching for friends
So cut your veins
Cut blood cry
Cut blood die
10 days lying in your own blood
10 days being alone
So what has changed?
What is different now?
Are you dead
Nothing has changed
Nothing is different now
You are dead
Yesterday you were led by devil into evil
And you didn't see it
Now you are led by devil into death
And you don't care
Tomorrow you'll be led by devil wherever you go
And you'll like it
20 years living alone
20 years living in pain
20 years believing in evil
20 years believing in devils
20 years on the run
Submitted by Guest
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